Client Options

Understand Chisel client options

Chisel Client Options

Chisel Client Options
$ chisel client --help

  Usage: chisel client [options] <server> <remote> [remote] [remote] ...

  <server> is the URL to the chisel server.

  <remote>s are remote connections tunneled through the server, each of
  which come in the form:


    ■ local-host defaults to (all interfaces).
    ■ local-port defaults to remote-port.
    ■ remote-port is required*.
    ■ remote-host defaults to (server localhost).
    ■ protocol defaults to tcp.

  which shares <remote-host>:<remote-port> from the server to the client
  as <local-host>:<local-port>, or:


  which does reverse port forwarding, sharing <remote-host>:<remote-port>
  from the client to the server's <local-interface>:<local-port>.

    example remotes


    When the chisel server has --socks5 enabled, remotes can
    specify "socks" in place of remote-host and remote-port.
    The default local host and port for a "socks" remote is Connections to this remote will terminate
    at the server's internal SOCKS5 proxy.

    When the chisel server has --reverse enabled, remotes can
    be prefixed with R to denote that they are reversed. That
    is, the server will listen and accept connections, and they
    will be proxied through the client which specified the remote.
    Reverse remotes specifying "R:socks" will listen on the server's
    default socks port (1080) and terminate the connection at the
    client's internal SOCKS5 proxy.

    When stdio is used as local-host, the tunnel will connect standard
    input/output of this program with the remote. This is useful when 
    combined with ssh ProxyCommand. You can use
      ssh -o ProxyCommand='chisel client chiselserver stdio:%h:%p' \
          [email protected]
    to connect to an SSH server through the tunnel.


    --fingerprint, A *strongly recommended* fingerprint string
    to perform host-key validation against the server's public key.
	Fingerprint mismatches will close the connection.
	Fingerprints are generated by hashing the ECDSA public key using
	SHA256 and encoding the result in base64.
	Fingerprints must be 44 characters containing a trailing equals (=).

    --auth, An optional username and password (client authentication)
    in the form: "<user>:<pass>". These credentials are compared to
    the credentials inside the server's --authfile. defaults to the
    AUTH environment variable.

    --keepalive, An optional keepalive interval. Since the underlying
    transport is HTTP, in many instances we'll be traversing through
    proxies, often these proxies will close idle connections. You must
    specify a time with a unit, for example '5s' or '2m'. Defaults
    to '25s' (set to 0s to disable).

    --max-retry-count, Maximum number of times to retry before exiting.
    Defaults to unlimited.

    --max-retry-interval, Maximum wait time before retrying after a
    disconnection. Defaults to 5 minutes.

    --proxy, An optional HTTP CONNECT or SOCKS5 proxy which will be
    used to reach the chisel server. Authentication can be specified
    inside the URL.
    For example, http://admin:[email protected]:8081
            or: socks://admin:[email protected]:1080

    --header, Set a custom header in the form "HeaderName: HeaderContent".
    Can be used multiple times. (e.g --header "Foo: Bar" --header "Hello: World")

    --hostname, Optionally set the 'Host' header (defaults to the host
    found in the server url).

    --tls-ca, An optional root certificate bundle used to verify the
    chisel server. Only valid when connecting to the server with
    "https" or "wss". By default, the operating system CAs will be used.

    --tls-skip-verify, Skip server TLS certificate verification of
    chain and host name (if TLS is used for transport connections to
    server). If set, client accepts any TLS certificate presented by
    the server and any host name in that certificate. This only affects
    transport https (wss) connection. Chisel server's public key
    may be still verified (see --fingerprint) after inner connection
    is established.

    --tls-key, a path to a PEM encoded private key used for client 
    authentication (mutual-TLS).

    --tls-cert, a path to a PEM encoded certificate matching the provided 
    private key. The certificate must have client authentication 
    enabled (mutual-TLS).

    --pid Generate pid file in current working directory

    -v, Enable verbose logging

    --help, This help text

    The chisel process is listening for:
      a SIGUSR2 to print process stats, and
      a SIGHUP to short-circuit the client reconnect timer


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